Introduction to Colon Cleansing

colon Lần cập nhật cuối: 20 Tháng Sáu, 2022

Colon Cleansing for Your Health

So, why do we need colon cleansing? One word…


If you found your way into this site, you’re probably suffering from some sort of ailment, whether it’s constipation, acne, candida, brain fog, or just a constant feeling of sluggishness. Most likely, that ailment is related some way to the colon.

You see, the colon is one organ that indirectly and directly affects all the other organs in the body. When it’s clogged up, the liver can’t do its job properly. When the liver can’t work efficiently, the kidney suffers, etc. So to start curing our symptoms and to get better, we must first start cleansing the colon.

The truth is our colon, for most of us, is in an unhealthy state, filled with mucoid plaque, toxins, and a complete mess. Our colon is clogged, leading to constipation. How did we reach this state? Through a combination of a bad diet, poor lifestyle choices, and bad living conditions.

Take, our diet for instance. Most Americans consume too much protein. Protein is necessary, and completely healthy, but too much can lead to over-acidity, which is not good. An overabundance of acid in the body can take a toll on the colon, as it depletes necessary minerals and electrolytes from our body. This then leads to the inability of the colon to tackle harmful bacteria, and toxins.

Many of us also overeat. We all know weight gain is a huge problem, but that notwithstanding, eating too much in one sitting can have serious long-term effects. Ideally, we shouldn’t eat more than a handful of food in 1 meal. Overeating leads to an overuse of enzymes, and can cause our colon to work even harder.

Of course, I haven’t even mentioned the “food” we eat in a daily basis. Cookies, cakes, processed foods, chips, sweets, etc. all were not meant to be eaten by man. Eating unnatural foods is a big reason why there is mucoid plaque stuck in our colon, and why we all should Start A Colon Cleanse Now…   Living in a World of Toxins Our environment is also another major cause for an unhealthy colon. Unless you live with the Eskimos, you probably are subjected to pollution, secondary smoking, harmful chemicals, pesticides, etc. every single day. Our immune system has to work overtime to rid our body of these nasty chemicals. This weakening of the immune system leads to a weakening of the colon as well.   Colon cleansing is a safe, alternative method to treat many of our symptoms and problems. It’s not just for people with constipation, but for anyone who wishes to feel better, and strengthen their inner organs. Cleansing is necessary to rid our body of toxins that accumulate as a result of an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution and chemicals, and a constant use of antibiotics.   Bowel cleansing is not just about cleansing the colon. It’s about indirectly cleansing our small intestines, large intestines, and stomach as well.  When we do a cleanse, we are actually cleansing our entire body.   What does our colon do? First off, where is our colon and what is it used for? The colon consists of the portion of the large intestine that runs from the cecum down to our rectum. The large intestine’s purpose is to store waste, reabsorb water, and helps maintain electrolyte and water balance. The largest intestine does not play any part in actually digesting our food (although bacteria do use the fiber for their own benefit) – that’s already done in the small intestine.   How do I know if I have a healthy colon? Simple, if you have at least one bowel movement a day, with solid bowels, and very little constipation. Of course, if you’re a weight-lifter and eat 4000-5000 calories a day (Scary, I know), 2 or so bowel movements is normal. But if you’re like normal people, you should ideally only have 1-2 bowel movements a day. No more, no less.   So, what do normal bowels look like? A healthy bowel is 8-12 inches long and around 2.5 inches wide. The bowels are solid, aren’t in little pieces or slimy-like. Contrary to popular belief, healthy bowels do not have to sink. Or float. Depending on your diet, it can go both ways. Normal bowels have a brownish color, but a light green color is ok too. A normal bowel movement involves absolutely no straining whatsoever. It’s pain-free, and effortless.   Many people who choose to clean their large intestines have constipation problems, marked by constant straining when excreting. This is unhealthy and can lead to other serious illnesses. When constipation occurs, remnants of foods remain inside your body longer than they have to, which is dangerous. Think about this: What happens when you leave a peeled banana outside for several days? It turns rotten. Well, you can imagine why this could cause problems inside your body.   We all need Cleansing Even if you don’t have constipation, colon cleansing can help anyone, especially older people. All of us are subjected to unhealthy toxins day in and day out. These toxins come from an unhealthy diet, the environment (such as pesticides or pollution), stress, overeating or under-eating, or malnourishment. These toxins all place a burden on our colon and make it work harder than necessary. Colon cleansing can remove these toxins and make our colon work more efficiently.   We routinely clean our furniture, our toilets, our cars, and the like. Why? To get rid of junk that accumulates. Our body essentially works the same way. Junk, in the form of toxins accumulates and burdens our major organs such as our larges intestine. When our intestine is clogged, we can’t absorb necessary nutrients. Toxins circulate back to our body, causing autoimmune diseases such as acne. Cleansing our bowels is a way of maintaining a clean, efficient body.   Colon cleansing is especially critical to those who want to start detoxifying their bodies. In order to start cleansing other organs such as the liver, or kidneys, one should start with the bowels first. Why? Because when you detoxify other organs, it will lead to toxins leaving the body through the colon. But if the colon can’t do its job effectively, these toxins will eventually return back to the body, which can cause a whole myriad of other problems.   So, it’s essential that you do a colon cleanse before you clean out your other organs.   What does cleansing involve? Colon cleansing, whether it involves a commercial product such as Colonix, or a natural recipe consists of taking a fiber-shake once a day, gradually working up to 3-5 times a day for 2-4 weeks. People usually do a quick fast beforehand, it’s not necessary. During the cleanse it is important not to overeat, and not to consume any junk.   Cleansing with a Colon Cleanser   Some people choose to cleanse with a colon cleanser. There are many in the market right there. The most popular ones are Colonix, OxyPowder, and Dual Action Cleanse. The first two – you can find reviews and comments on in various health message boards online. Both have their fanbase.   Colon Cleansing is a simple 3-8 week process that doesn’t require any drastic diet changes, or a complete fast. Will it definitely heal your symptoms? Noone can promise you that. We all have different bodies, so different things work for different people. But it has worked for many people in healing their acne, candida, brain fog, digestive problems, and sluggishness.  By the end of the regimen, most will feel the difference and feel livelier due to the removal of toxins, healthier bowels, no constipation, and faster transit times.   If you don’t have time and lead a busy lifestyle the easiest and most effective way to start cleansing is to simply try a colon cleanser such as the Colonix Program, which personally helped me kill my candida infection, parasites, and eliminated my chronic acne. Some people actually even use it to lose weight, since it’s so effective in doing that. Learn More about the Colonix Program    The TRUTH About Colon Cleansing    Ever Do A Colon Cleanse? You must learn the secret about colon           What is known, and what is unknown cleansing, or you’ll regret it.                              Real cleansing photos. You decide.

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